Plane journeys do not cater for fruitarians/raw vegans. Unless you got a private jet all hooked up. Luckily I took some clems on board with me, I honestly thought I would have been able to get at least some bananas!!
My body has been awesome recently, it has adapted really well to this raw majority fruit style. The flight back from LAX took just over 8 hours, I ate 5 clementines and drank a litre of water. In total lightly slept for about 30mins-1hour. That's FUCK ALL but I still feel good. I had to wait another 2hours before I found anything worth eating. Some of that pre prepared fruit salad from pret manager.
- kiwi
- pineapple
- apple
- pomegranate seeds
- blueberries
- orange
- mango
It was alright i guess, but I wanted a whole mango, not a few slices, and a whole pineapple not a few chunks. But hey hey, that's the cost of not pre-prepar-paring enough of your own shit.
Jet lag at this point seems to be non exxxistent which is the ace of spades, but i'm sure we will find out the realness of that when it's night time. I wouldn't be surprised if I have instantly switched... I'm pretty cool like that :P
Can you travel long distances being a fruitarian/raw vegan???
Yea just eat enough before your travel, pack as much as you can for the journey and just be a hardcore badass :P :P
peace and love peoples
- 7 bananas
- 1 honeydew
- 3 kiwi
- 5 clems